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的 Provincial Student Ombudsman is responsible for applying the complaint and report processing procedure in Quebec’s education system, 由地区学生申诉专员协助. 他们共同确保学生和家长的权利得到维护. 
Should the student or their parent be dissatisfied with the educational services they received, 正在接受, 本应收到, 或需要, they can file a complaint based on a procedure that consists of a maximum of three steps:
提出投诉, the student or their parent must first approach the person directly concerned or that person’s superior.
  • 投诉可以是口头的,但最好是书面的.
If the student or their parent is still dissatisfied with how the complaint is handled, 或者如果10天的期限已过, they may then approach the person responsible for processing complaints within the school.
  • 投诉可以是口头的,但最好是书面的.

体育菠菜大平台, the person responsible for processing complaints is Director of School Operations Christian Wells, 819-876-7891, ext. 255; cwells@hypegh.net
英语  / 法语

If the student or their parent is still dissatisfied with how the complaint is being handled, 或者15天的期限已过, 他们可以联系他们的 区域学生申诉专员他将帮助他们起草书面投诉.
的 student or their parent may choose the form of communication that best suits them among the following:
的 区域学生申诉专员 has 20 working days to examine the complaint and issue their conclusions. If they deem that the complaint is substantiated, they may make recommendations to the school.
However, before the conclusions are sent, the Provincial Student Ombudsman examines them. 的y have up to 5 working days to decide whether to examine the complaint in turn. 如果是这样的话, 他们有10个工作日来完成考试, 如果需要的话, to substitute their conclusions or recommendations for those of the 区域学生申诉专员.
的 区域学生申诉专员 then informs the complainant and school about the conclusions and any recommendations.
的 school has 10 working days to inform the complainant and the 区域学生申诉专员 of whether it intends to follow up on the conclusions and recommendations made to it, 如果它决定不采取行动,也不知道它的原因.
注意,在的情况下 性暴力, 学生或他们的父母之一可以, 如果他们愿意的话, 直接联系地区学生申诉专员. 任何人都可以提交的报告,只有在涉及性暴力的情况下才有可能1 反对在教育机构上学的学生.
这样的报告是 直接提交给地区学生申诉专员省略前两步,通过:
  • 一个老师
  • 非教学专业人员
  • 行政人员:教育机构的行政人员
  • 其他学生或家长之一
  • 等.
的 person who makes the report may choose the form of communication that best suits him or her among the following:
报告是 快速的. 的 information that could serve to identify the person who makes the report is kept confidential, 除非得到当事人的同意. 如果法律要求的话, the 区域学生申诉专员 discloses the person’s identity to the Director of Youth Protection.

Regional Student Ombudsmen may also, on their own initiative, process cases of 性暴力.
关于国家学生申诉专员的法案 保护人们免受报复, 真诚地, 提交报告或投诉, cooperate in the processing of a report or complaint or accompany a person who makes a report or files a complaint.
It is also prohibited to threaten to retaliate against a person to dissuade him or her from filing a complaint or making a report.
的 following are presumed to be reprisal measures against students or their parents:
  • 剥夺他们的权利
  • 区别对待他们
  • 暂停或开除该学生
For the staff members of an educational institution who make a report or cooperate in the examination of a complaint or report, 下列行为推定为报复措施:
  • 降级
  • 他们的暂停
  • 终止雇佣
  • 他们的转移
  • Disciplinary sanctions or other measures that adversely affect their employment or working conditions.
Fines for a natural person who retaliates or threatens to retaliate range from $2,000 to $20,000. 对法人的罚款从1万美元到25万美元不等.

1"的 concept of 性暴力 refers to any form of violence committed through sexual practices or by targeting sexuality, 包括性侵犯. 它也指任何其他不当行为, 包括与性和性别多样性有关的内容, 以不必要的直接或间接的手势等形式, 评论, 带有性含义的行为或态度, 包括通过技术手段." For further information about acts of 性暴力, see the Government of Québec page on the 暴力的形式.